How to add social login or signup inside WordPress

Lets add social login or signup inside WordPress. Having users log in to the website makes the community stronger, WordPress allows users to create an account and log in to the website but creating an account every time while logging in is hectic, instead, we can create one account and use it to log in to every website. For this WordPress is using the Social media OAuth login feature which allows users to log in through any social media account like google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The concept is users do not need to create accounts for every individual website, so they can use their social media account for authentication and login.

Add social login to WordPress:

Step 1:  Install the plugin
  • Login to WordPress Dashboard
  • Go to plugins >> Add New.
  • Search for WordPress Social Login
  • Install and activate the plugin
add social login or signup inside WordPress
Step 2: Configure the Pugin
  • Navigate to settings >> Nextend Social login
  • You can see the list of social networks you can use for users to register.
Step 3: Enabling the social networks
  • Let’s illustrate google login, for that you have to add the client ID and Client secret key, that you will get from the google console, or watch the video in the plugin.
  • Add it in the required field.
  • Click on save the changes.
  • Once you are done you will see the social media button on the login page.
By this way, you can add more social media login to your website

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